Welcome to Advent

Visitors and members often describe the familiar, welcoming, friendly spirit at Advent.  Ross and Jeanette Colligan described Advent in a similar way. Before becoming members of Advent this year, they had been members of Peace Lutheran Church of Plymouth. Their previous church had experienced a decrease in membership and other changes, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the church to close and its building sold.  Ross and Jeanette had been active members and volunteers at Peace so were very sad about their church's closure.  Ross said, “It stunned us.” Jeanette shared, “I was devastated.”

The Colligans had some connections to/familiarity with Advent before the closure of their church.  Ross had belonged to Advent 50 years ago.  At that time, he had helped Advent start the CROSS non-profit organization in Osseo.  Dean, who owned Dean’s Supermarket in Osseo at that time, had donated the use of space in a building he owned next to the supermarket.  Ross cleaned out that donated space to make it suitable for the CROSS donations.

Jeanette’s daughter, Kim Tiesma, and her husband, Scott, and children, Hayden and Laurel, are active members at Advent.  When Hayden and/or Laurel had special events at Advent, Jeanette and Ross made sure to attend. The Colligans live close to Advent and know people from the community here, so the proximity also helped them decide that this would be their new church home.  Before Peace completely closed, Pastor Elizabeth invited Ross and Jeanette to transfer their membership to Advent, which helped with their transition.

The Colligans have found that Advent members are very friendly.  They have appreciated being greeted at the door and found a friendly spirit within.  Jeanette also likes that Advent is an inclusive church, which she was accustomed to at Peace.

Since becoming members, Jeanette has volunteered to be on the altar guild, the blue service support team, has read Scripture, and joined the quilting team.  Recently she and other quilters delivered quilts to the Lutheran World Relief site.  She was amazed at how the quilts were stacked and bundled to be sent to Florida for victims of the hurricanes.  Jeanette said that by volunteering, she has gotten acquainted with more people at Advent.

Thank you to Advent members for welcoming visitors and new members.  Thank you to Jeanette, Ross, and all volunteers who steward your time, talents, and financial support for the impact and benefit of Advent’s ministry in our congregation and neighbors near and far.