Who makes gallons of coffee every week for the people of Advent to enjoy, but never drinks a drop herself? Say hello to LuAnn Graber. She has been modeling what fellowship and hospitality means here at Advent for almost 40 years.
LuAnn and her husband Ken joined Advent back in the 80’s as a young married couple with a new home in the area. They visited other churches, but they felt most comfortable at Advent and became members. It was natural for LuAnn to get involved in volunteering at Advent as her parents were active members of their home church. As their family grew, LuAnn fondly remembers working with her own children and others in the nursery, Sunday school, confirmation classes, and finally a small youth group that met in her home. The same group of kids kept together from one stage to another with LuAnn and Ken as facilitators and teachers.
About this same time, LuAnn started a kitchen committee to serve at new member luncheons, funerals, and other events. Once our new sanctuary was built, the fellowship hall was available for events, but there was no kitchen right away. LuAnn and others had to work in a makeshift kitchen in what is now Ted’s supply closet. A non-member, attending a funeral at Advent, could not believe such a wonderful lunch had come from such a “make do” setup! That guest made a sizable donation for a new kitchen on the spot.
LuAnn recalls all the times the Bible mentions Jesus eating and drinking with his disciples, his friends and his followers. Food brings people together for companionship, friendship and comfort. While she had known this, it was really made apparent when her husband Ken died eight years ago. The outpouring of Advent members to provide care and support to LuAnn during that time made a lasting impression.
Many volunteers assist LuAnn in providing treats after services and in putting on other events, and she appreciates each one. She mentioned that volunteering around hospitality is an easy way to be involved in church life and a way to meet people. Because she is always busy in the kitchen, it is not often that LuAnn can attend Sunday service, but she does not miss out. On Sunday evening, as the day is drawing to a close, she pulls up the service on her laptop and takes in the music and the message.
The friendships built around a table give us comfort and bring us closer together as a church. Thank you to all of you who volunteer in the kitchen.