You may have noticed Jamie and Kelly Ruziska with their two sonsin the Prayer Ground during church. You may have heard Kelly’s beautiful voiceas a music leader during the service, or you may remember feeling delighted asReese and Gabriel sang along with other children in the JAM kids’ choir. TheRuziska family has been an integral part of our Advent family for eight years.
Kelly and Jamie first met in Moorhead, Minnesota when they bothworked at a KFC. Jamie was in the Army Reserve and Kelly was finishing hersenior year of high school. After their careers brought them to the TwinCities, they reconnected at a cancer benefit for Kelly’s step-sister, and fouryears later they were married.
They started looking for a church they would both feel comfortablein when their first son, Reese, was born. Jamie had grown up Catholic and Kellywas Methodist. When they visited Advent, they heard the kids’ choir and likedthe opportunities for family.
Kelly shared that visiting Advent “warmed me”. Their family waswelcomed by Abby Meindl on their first visit, and they had many interactionswith other members that made them feel a connection.
Jamie and Kelly value the intergenerational opportunities atAdvent and know it’s important that their young boys have connections witholder adults at church. Reese and Gabriel like to attend church school with MsKay, and said that Vacation Bible School and Trunk or Treat were very fun forthem. Gabriel, who is five, likes singing and they both like to hang out withtheir friends at church. Eight-year-old Reese shared that when he takescommunion he feels closer to God.
Kelly said she is very thankful for Colette’s leadership and howshe pulled her out of her shell. Kelly sings in the Advent Community Choir andoften leads the music during worship. She has always been involved in music andappreciates the opportunities that Advent has to offer musicians.
Jamie is thankful for how the sermons apply the scripture to whatis going on in their lives and the world today. He shared that Advent is acommunity church that welcomes all. “They don’t just say it, they mean it.”
Advent is a church that embraces our people and community, helpingus all feel closer to God. Thank you to our pastors, ushers, greeters,communion servers, and musicians who create a holy and inviting experience foreveryone at our church.