Advent is my home

Mary and Jim Gray andfamily moved from South Minneapolis to Maple Grove in June 1966.  The Gray family had been active members intheir previous church, but now were interested in finding a church closer totheir new home.  Two months after theymoved, Pastor Jerry Anderson visited Mary and asked if she would be interestedin attending a possible new church in Maple Grove.  Mary and Jim were influential in laying thefoundation of Advent Lutheran Church. The newly formed congregation first worshiped at Osseo Elementary Schoolbefore the church was built in its current location.  Therefore, Mary, Jim, and family are chartermembers of Advent.

Mary has been activelyinvolved at Advent Lutheran since the beginning of the church.  She taught Sunday School and served on theworship and music, evangelism, and building committees, and she has been aStephen minister.  She volunteers togreet, usher, and/or serve communion as part of a Worship Support Team on thesecond Sunday each month.  Mary statedthat Jim took hundreds of pictures through the years for Advent.  

When asked what Mary isthankful for, she said, “Advent is my home”. She often feels better at Advent than at home.  The Gospel is preached, the sermons arehelpful, and the pastors have held her hand through the tragedies in her life.One of the tragedies occurred after her young son had his tonsils removed,which required an emergency trip back to the hospital.  As Mary and her husband waited in thehospital waiting room, Mary clearly felt God’s presence by her and healing forher son.  In time, Pastor Jerry askedMary to tell the congregation about this experience.  Pastor Jerry and the congregation weretouched by what Mary had shared and Pastor Jerry said her story served as thesermon for the day.

A special memory atAdvent occurred in 1987 when Mary and Jim renewed their wedding vows as theycelebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Pastor Jerry surprised them by arranging for his daughter to sing aspecial song and also for their son, Glenn, to read a scripture passage.  

Mary stated her bestfriends ever are at Advent.  In additionto sitting with her friends at worship, they were a great presence and comfortfor her after her husband, Jim, died. Mary said other Advent members who didn’t know her well were concernedfor her and expressed their sympathy when her husband died.  She and her friends have lots of fun visitingafter services in the fellowship hall and socializing outside of Advent byattending events and taking trips to interesting locations.

Thank you, staff andpeople of Advent for your support, friendship, and concern for each otherduring difficult/sad times and times of celebrations and enjoyment.  Also, thank you to Mary and other chartermembers for your foresight, efforts, and involvement in the inception of AdventLutheran Church.