Lent at Advent


Lent Offerings

Sunday Adult Forum During Lent - 10:45 am

Dwelling In Christ, Led by Carla Waterman

Imagine you are the Apostle Paul. You are trying to find language to speak of the risen Christ now dwelling with, in and through God’s people. What images do you choose? What pictures do you paint to help first century people grasp this new, startling reality? And how do Paul’s images in the first century help us understand our own life in Christ?

This Lenten Adult Forum will explore Paul’s imagery of “indwelling” coupled with relevant prayer practices that will help us center our minds and hearts on this reality of
Christ’s indwelling presence in our lives.
This class will invite participants to explore new ways to practice Christ’s presence in everyday life.

In addition to playing the piano, Carla Waterman spent twenty years teaching Christian spirituality to seminarians and worship pastors. She is delighted to offer this course here at Advent.

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, April 2
9:30 am

Wednesdays in Lent

February 28 - March 29

5:15 pm - Soup Supper
6:30 pm - Lenten Worship

Wednesday Night Lenten Speaker Series - March 1 - 29

Following Wednesday Worship

Conversations with Community Leaders

Our community is greater than just those immediately around us, our community is also where our people live and the communities around us. Come for worship and stay for conversations with community leaders and Pastor Elizabeth as they discuss the challenges they have and are facing, foresee facing, and how Advent’s community can partner with them.

  • March 29, March 29, Riz Mulla, Anjuman-E-Asghari volunteer

Ash Wednesday Services

We will have service at 6:30 pm, on Ash Wednesday, March 5.

Our Noon Service was unfortunately canceled due to poor weather and road conditions.

Our 6:30 service will include the imposition of ashes and holy communion. There will be no soup supper served on Ash Wednesday.

Lenten Soup Suppers

Join us on Wednesday evenings in Lent, starting March 12 for delicious soup suppers before evening services. There will be no soup supper on Ash Wednesday, March 5.

LuAnn will be serving a soup meal with fresh bread from 5:15-6:15. Come by the Fellowship Hall anytime between 5:15 and 6:15 for some delicious food and good fellowship. Then, stay for Holden Evening Prayer worship at 6:30 pm and our Lenten Speaker Series at 7 pm.

Lent at Advent is full of worship, music, food, and fellowship. All are welcome, please join us.

Learning to Love the Stranger – A Lenten Speaker Series at Advent Lutheran

Weekly Wednesday opportunity to listen and learn about refugees and immigration. The Speaker series will begin March 12 at 7pm, following Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer Worship.

Palm Sunday

April 13, 9:30 am

Maundy Thursday

April 17, 6:30 pm

Good Friday

April 18, 6:30 pm


April 20

Service: 9 am and 11 am

Easter Morning Breakfast: 9 to 11am, Profits go towards camperships for Advent Lutheran youth attending bible camp this summer.

There will be an all-ages Easter Egg Hunt following the first worship service.

Additional Resources

Books about Immigration and Refugees:

The Death of Josseline* (adult, long form journalism)

Solito (adult, memoir)

Exit West (adult, fiction)

Front Desk (middle grade, graphic novel)

Home of the Brave (middle grade, prose)

Sea Prayer (adult, poetry)

Snow Steps (elementary, picture book)

Come visit us

9475 Jefferson Highway - Maple Grove, MN 55369

From the south: North on Highway 169. Exit on Co Rd 30 West/93rd Ave. and take a right. Go 3/4 mile, and take a right on Jefferson Hwy. Advent is a quarter mile on the left.

From the north: South on Highway 169. Take a right on 109th Ave. Drive 1/4 mile, and take a left on Jefferson Hwy. Advent will be one the right shortly after crossing over Highway 610 (approximately two miles).