Order Easter Flowers

Event Date

March 16, 2025

Event Time

11 am

Please complete an online order form: https://forms.gle/LyGXRsdVa8d3Cujs7 or a physical order form will be available in the atrium and in the Sunday bulletins. Flowers available to order this year include Easter Lily (triple stem), Hydrangea, Mum, Hyacinth, and Pansy Bowl.

Orders are due by Sunday, March 16. Please complete an order form and submit payment by March 16. Payment can be made online (adventlutheran.com/give). Cash/check can be put in the offering or brought to the office.

The flowers will be used to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter, you can take them home after our 11 am Easter Service. Thank you for helping to make our sanctuary a truly beautiful Easter celebration!